This page created 12th March 1999, updated 8th July 2020.

Bus Histories:

These histories have been patched together as I gathered information from a variety of sources. The most fruitful are: Other sources are given in the bibliography.

B 1  FXT 419  1/42 CS new: Bristol K5G 57.059 MoS BD59, Gardner 5LW engine, 12 volt electrics 
              1/42    fitted with Park Royal body 15024, H30/26R
              3/42 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.477, 1B1
              4/42 HW to store (Hanwell)
              5/42 HW into service on 97 
             43-44 HW
              3/45 HW to Chiswick body overhaul (pilot)
              5/45 HW from overhaul
              1946 HW
              */47 HW used on 97 to Brentford
              1/48 HW
              7/48 CS to Chiswick Works overhaul
              7/48 CS overhaul, modified to AEC 7.7l engine, 24 Volt electrics,
                      bulkhead ventilator removed 1/1B1/1
             10/48 HW from o/h
                   HW used on 92A to Wembley
              1949 HW
              1/50 CS to Chiswick Works
              3/50 HW from works (Hanwell)
              7/50 HW 
             10/51 HW withdrawn into store..
             10/51 RE ..change store (Romford)
              4/52 HH change store (Hemel Hempstead)
              1/53 CS to Chiswick Works
              2/53    bought by Crosville, Chester #MB160
              5/54    in service, PR body $
             11/54    rebodied with post-war ECW body: L27/28R
              5/58    renumbered DKA 160
             10/60    bought by Atomic Power Constructions, Trawsfynydd #30
             10/64    sold to W.North (Sherburn-in-Elmet)
             10/64    at North's, minus engine $
             11/64    sold for scrap: Jackson (Bradford)

B 2  FXT 420  1/42 CS new: Bristol K5G 57.066 MoS BD66, Gardner 5LW engine, 12 volt electrics 
              1/42    fitted with Park Royal body 15025, H30/26R 
              3/42 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.478, 1B1
              4/42 HW to store (Hanwell)
              5/42 HW into service on 97  
             43-44 HW
              5/45 CS to Chiswick body overhaul
              6/45 HW from o/h
             46-47 HW
              8/48 CS to Chiswick Works
              8/48 CS overhaul, modified to AEC 7.7l engine, 24 Volt electrics,
                      bulkhead ventilator removed, 1/1B1/1
             12/48 HW from o/h
                   HW used on 97       
              5/49 HW used on 83A to Kew Gardens
              7/50 HW (Southall)
              */51 HW used on 97 to Brentford
             10/52 HW withdrawn ..
             10/52 FL ..into store (Ferry Lane)
             12/52 CS to Chiswick Works
              1/53    bought by Crosville, Chester, #MB161
              */53    rebodied with s/h Strachans lowbridge utility body L27/28R
              5/56    refitted with s/h post-war ECW body L27/26R
              5/58    renumbered DKA 161
             11/60    sold for scrap: Bradbury (Leigh)

B 3  FXT 421  3/42 CS new: Bristol K5G 57.069 MoS BD69, Gardner 5LW engine, 12 volt electrics 
              3/42    fitted with Park Royal body 15026, H30/26R 
              4/42 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.479, 1B1
              4/42 HW to store (Hanwell)
              5/42 HW into service on 97  
             43-44 HW
              7/45 CS to Chiswick body overhaul
              7/45 HW
              1946 HW
             11/47 CS to Chiswick Works
             11/47 HW from works 
              1948 HW
              5/49 CS to Chiswick Works for rebuild:
              1949 CS overhaul, modified to AEC 7.7lengine, 24 Volt electrics, 1/1B1/1
              7/49 HW from o/h
                   HW used on 83 to Hayes Stn $
              7/50 HW (Southall)
              1951 HW
              7/52 HW withdrawn ..
              7/52 FY ..into store (Finchley)
              1/53 CS to Chiswick Works 
              1/53    bought by Crosville, Chester, #MB162
              */53    rebodied with s/h Strachans lowbridge utility body L27/28R       
              2/56    refitted with s/h post-war ECW body L27/26R 
              5/58    renumbered DKA 162
             11/60    sold for scrap: Bradbury (Leigh)

B 4  FXT 422  3/42 CS new: Bristol K5G 57.070 MoS BD70, Gardner 5LW engine, 12 volt electrics 
              3/42    fitted with Park Royal body 15029, H30/26R 
              4/42 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.480, 1B1
              5/42 HW to store (Hanwell)
              5/42 HW into service on 97
              */42 HW used on 97 to Brentford  
             43-44 HW
              5/45 CS to Chiswick body overhaul
              6/45 HW from Chiswick overhaul to store, then relicensed
             46-47 HW
              8/48 CS to Chiswick Works for rebuild:
              1948 CS overhaul, modified to AEC 7.7lengine, 24 Volt electrics
                      bulkhead ventilator removed, 1/1B1/1
             12/48 HW from o/h
              1949 HW
              7/50 HW (Southall)
              1951 HW
              3/52 HW withdrawn..
              3/52 RE store (Romford)
              4/52 HH change store (Hemel Hempstead)
              1/53 CS to Chiswick Works
              2/53    bought by Crosville, #MB163
              */53    rebodied with s/h Strachans lowbridge utility body L27/28R
              */53    body 480 to hen house, Little Crosby, Bootle
              2/56    refitted with s/h post-war ECW body, #MB163
              5/58    renumbered #DKA163 
             10/60    bought by Atomic Power Constructions, Trawsfynydd #29
             10/64    sold to W.North (Sherburn-in-Elmet)
             11/64    sold for scrap: Jackson (Bradford)

B 5  FXT 423  3/42 CS new: Bristol K5G 57.071 MoS BD71, Gardner 5LW engine, 12 volt electrics 
              3/42    fitted with Park Royal body 15028, H30/26R 
              4/42 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.481, 1B1
              5/42 HW to store (Hanwell)
              5/42 HW into service on 97
             43-44 HW
              5/45 CS to Chiswick body overhaul
              6/45 HW from Chiswick overhaul
             46-47 HW
              8/48 CS to Chiswick Works
              1948 CS overhaul, modified to AEC engine, 24 Volt electrics,
                      bulkhead ventilator removed, 1/1B1/1
             12/48 HW from o/h
              1949 HW
              7/50 HW (Southall)
             51-52 HW
              2/53 HW withdrawn into store
              3/53 CS to Chiswick Works
              3/53    bought by Crosville, #MB164 (not delivered)
              5/53    acquired by W.North (Stourton)
              8/53    delivered to United for Hartlepool Borough Council #H4
              */53    overhauled by United at Darlington
                      operated by Bee-Line for Hartlepool, #H4
                      in service, Hartlepool $
              4/56    withdrawn
           by 6/56    sold to W.North (Stourton) 
              6/57    sold for scrap to Blamires (Bradford)

B 6  FXT 424  3/42 CS new: Bristol K5G 57.072 MoS BD72, Gardner 5LW engine, 12 volt electrics 
              3/42    fitted with Park Royal body 15027, H30/26R 
              4/42 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.482, 1B1
              5/42 HW to store (Hanwell)
              5/42 HW into service on 97
             43-44 HW
              7/45 CS to Chiswick body overhaul
              8/45 HW from o/h
             46-48 HW
              2/49 CS to Chiswick Works for rebuild
              1949    overhaul, modified to AEC 7.7l engine, 24 Volt electrics
              8/49 HW from o/h, 1/1B1
              7/50 HW (Southall)
             51-52 HW
              2/53 HW withdrawn into store
              3/53 CS to Chiswick Works
              1/53    bought by Crosville, Chester, #MB165
              */53    rebodied with s/h Strachans lowbridge utility body L27/28R       
              4/56    refitted with s/h post-war ECW body L27/26R
             10/60    bought by Atomic Power Constructions, Trawsfynydd #26
             10/64    sold to W.North (Sherburn-in-Elmet)
              */65    at North's: APC markings
           by 3/65    sold for scrap to Blamires (Bradford)

B 7  FXT 425  3/42 CS new: Bristol K5G 57.072 MoS BD72, Gardner 5LW engine, 12 volt electrics 
              3/42    fitted with Park Royal body 15031, H30/26R 
              5/42 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.483, 1B1
              5/42 HW to store (Hanwell)
              6/42 HW into service on 97
             43-44 HW
              5/45 HW into store
              6/45 CS to Chiswick body overhaul
              6/45 HW from o/h to store
              7/45 HW relicensed
             46-48 HW
              2/49 CS to Chiswick Works for rebuild
              1949    overhaul, modified to 7.7l AEC engine, 24 Volt electrics, 1/1B1
              5/49 HW from o/h
              7/50 HW (Southall)
             11/51 HW withdrawn into store..
             11/51 RE ..change store (Romford)
             12/51 ON transfer, trainer (Alperton)
                   ON trainer $
             12/52 ON into store
              3/53 CS to Chiswick Works
              3/53    bought by Crosville, #MB166
             11/54    refitted with s/h post-war ECW body L27/26R 
              5/58    renumbered #DKA166 
             10/62    bought by Atomic Power Constructions, Trawsfynydd #11
                      renumbered #19 
             10/64    sold to W.North (Sherburn-in-Elmet)
             11/64    sold for scrap: Jackson (Bradford)

B 8  FXT 426  3/42 CS new: Bristol K5G 57.067 MoS BD67, Gardner 5LW engine, 12 volt electrics 
              3/42    fitted with Park Royal body 15032, H30/26R 
              5/42 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.484, 1B1
              5/42 HW to store (Hanwell)
              6/42 HW into service on 97
             43-44 HW
              5/45 HW into store
              5/45 CS to Chiswick body overhaul..
              5/45 HW ..from o/h
             46-47 HW
              7/48 CS to Chiswick Works overhaul
              1948    overhaul, modified to 7.7l AEC engine, 24 Volt electrics,
                      bulkhead ventilator removed, 1/1B1/1
             11/48 HW from o/h
              1949 HW
              7/50 HW (Southall)
              */50 HW used on 92A to Wembley
              4/51 HW used on 55 to Hayes Stn
              6/51 HW withdrawn..
              6/51 FL store (Ferry Lane)
             12/52 CS to Chiswick Works 
             12/52    bought by Crosville, Chester, #MB167
              */53    rebodied with s/h Strachans lowbridge utility body, L27/28R
              2/56    refitted with s/h post-war ECW body, L27/26R
              5/58    renumbered #DKA167 
             10/61    sold to F.Cowley (Salford)

B 9  FXT 427  3/42 CS new: Bristol K5G 57.073 MoS BD73, Gardner 5LW engine, 12 volt electrics 
              3/42    fitted with Park Royal body 15030, H30/26R 
              4/42 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.485, 1B1
              5/42 HW to store (Hanwell)
              6/42 HW into service on 97
             43-44 HW 
              5/45 CS to Chiswick body overhaul..
              5/45 HW ..from o/h
             46-47 HW
              1/48 HW
              7/48 CS to Chiswick Works overhaul
              8/49    overhaul, modified to AEC engine, 24 Volt electrics,
                      bulkhead ventilator removed, 1/1B1/1
              1/49 HW from o/h
                   HW used on 55, substituting for STL $
              7/50 HW (Southall)
              6/51 HW withdrawn..
              6/51 FL store (Ferry Lane)
             12/52 CS to Chiswick Works 
             12/52    bought by Crosville, Chester #MB168
                      worked with Park Royal body for a while,
              */53    then rebodied with s/h Strachans lowbridge utility body, L27/28R
              5/56    refitted with s/h 1949 ECW body, L27/26R
              8/60    in service in Chester, #DKA168 
             10/60    bought by Atomic Power Construction, Trawsfynnydd #31
              1961    with APC
             10/65    sold for scrap to King (Trawsfynnydd)

2B2: Bristol K6A chassis, AEC 7.7 litre engine, Duple relaxed utility body B10 HGC 235 10/45 CS new: Bristol K6A W3.001, MoSB251, AEC 7.7 litre engine 11/45 to Duple: fitted with relaxed austerity body 41712, H30/26R 12/45 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.1079, 2B2 1/46 HW into service on 92, 97 (Hanwell) 1947 HW used on 97 to Greenford 1/48 HW used on 92 to Hanwell Garage 1/49 CS to Chiswick overhaul 3/49 HW from o/h 7/50 HW (Southall) 9/51 HW withdrawn into store.. 9/51 ..change store (Stansted).. 9/51 RE ....change store (Romford) 4/52 change store (Stansted) 8/52 PR change store (Poplar) 1/53 CS to Chiswick Works 1/53 bought by Lincolnshire Road Car, #979 */53 renumbered #2106 in service to Grantham $ 12/60 sold for scrap: Mellor, (Goxhill) B11 HGC 236 10/45 CS new: Bristol K6A W3.002, MoSB238, AEC 7.7 litre engine 10/45 to Duple: fitted with relaxed austerity body 41705, H30/26R 11/45 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.1080, 2B2 12/45 HW into service on 92, 97 (Hanwell) 12/45 HW used on 92 to Hanwell Garage HW used on 83 to Ealing 46-47 HW 1/48 HW 11/48 CS to Chiswick Works overhaul 1/49 HW from o/h 4/49 HW used on 92 to Wembley 7/50 HW (Southall) 51-52 HW 3/53 HW withdrawn.. 3/53 AC ..into store (Willesden) 1/53 CS to Chiswick Works 4/53 bought by Lincolnshire Road Car, #993 11/53 renumbered #2107 7/60 withdrawn 7/60 sold to Fleet Car Sales (Dunchurch) 8/60 bought by Young's International Cars, Grays 12/60 withdrawn B12 HGC 237 10/45 CS new: Bristol K6A W3.003, MoSB239, AEC 7.7 litre engine 10/45 to Duple: fitted with relaxed austerity body 41706, H30/26R 11/45 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.1081, 2B2 12/45 ON into store (Alperton) 1/46 HW into service on 92, 97 (Hanwell) 47-48 HW 2/49 CS to Chiswick Works overhaul 4/49 HW from o/h 7/50 HW (Southall) used on 97 to Brentford $ 1951 HW 10/52 HW withdrawn.. 10/52 FL ..into store (Ferry Lane) 12/52 CS to Chiswick Works 1/53 bought by Crosville, Chester, #MB193 2/54 refitted with Duple body from B16 5/56 rebodied with s/h ECW low-height body L27/28R 5/58 renumbered DKA193 10/60 bought by Atomic Power Construction, Trawsfynnydd #32 10/65 sold for scrap to W.North (Sherburn-in-Elmet) at North's $ B13 HGC 238 10/45 CS new: Bristol K6A W3.004, MoSB254, AEC 7.7 litre engine 10/45 to Duple: fitted with relaxed austerity body 41713, H30/26R 11/45 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.1082, 2B2 12/45 HW into service on 92, 97 (Hanwell) 46-47 HW 1/48 HW 11/48 CS to Chiswick Works overhaul 1/49 HW from o/h 5/49 HW used on 92A to Wembley Trading Estate 7/50 HW (Southall) 51-52 HW 4/53 HW withdrawn.. 4/53 ON ..into store (Alperton) 5/53 bought by Lincolnshire Road Car, but not delivered 5/53 to W.North (Stourton) 8/53 diverted to United for Hartlepool Borough Council overhauled by United at Darlington operated by Bee-Line for Hartlepool, #H1 6/56 bought by Bee-Line 5/57 bought by Curry (Fencehouses) for contract work 6/58 at Fencehouses $ 6/58 sold to Groves for scrap (Merton Abbey) B14 HGC 239 10/45 CS new: Bristol K6A W3.005, MoSB255, AEC 7.7 litre engine 10/45 to Duple: fitted with relaxed austerity body 41714, H30/26R 11/45 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.1083, 2B2 12/45 ON into store (Alperton) 1/46 HW into service on 92, 97 (Hanwell) 47-48 HW 1/49 CS to Chiswick overhaul 4/49 HW from o/h 7/50 HW (Southall) 51-52 HW 4/53 HW withdrawn.. 4/53 ON ..into store 5/53 CS to Chiswick Works 5/53 bought by Lincolnshire Road Car, but not delivered 5/53 to W.North (Stourton) 8/53 diverted to United for Hartlepool Borough Council overhauled by United at Darlington operated by Bee-Line for Hartlepool, #H3 1955 in service 4/56 withdrawn, sold 6/56 acquired by AR Symonds, South Kirby 8/56 sold to W.North (Stourton) 8/57 sold for scrap: Blamires (Bradford) B15 HGC 240 10/45 CS new: Bristol K6A W3.006, MoSB242, AEC 7.7 litre engine 11/45 to Duple: fitted with relaxed austerity body 41707, H30/26R 11/45 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.1084, 2B2 12/45 ON into store (Alperton) 1/46 HW into service on 92, 97 (Hanwell) 9/47 CS to Chiswick Works 10/47 HW return, unlicensed 11/47 HW relicensed 12/48 CS to Chiswick Works overhaul 2/49 HW from o/h 7/50 HW (Southall) 51-52 HW 2/53 HW withdrawn.. 2/53 CS Chiswick Works 2/53 bought by Lincolnshire Road Car, #983 11/53 renumbered #2108 11/60 withdrawn, converted to tree-lopper #9 4/61 treelopper 9/66 treelopper at Newark $ 12/72 withdrawn 12/72 sold for scrap: S Twell, Ingham B16 HGC 241 10/45 CS new: Bristol K6A W3.007, MoSB243, AEC 7.7 litre engine 11/45 to Duple: fitted with relaxed austerity body 41708, H30/26R 11/45 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.1085, 2B2 12/45 ON into store (Alperton) 1/46 HW into service on 92, 97 (Hanwell) 47-48 HW 2/49 CS to Chiswick overhaul 5/49 HW from o/h 7/50 HW (Southall) 51-52 HW 4/53 HW withdrawn.. 4/53 ON ..into store 5/53 CS to Chiswick Works 5/53 bought by Crosville, Chester, #MB169 2/54 refitted with s/h low-height post-war ECW body L27/28R 5/58 renumbered DKA169 10/62 bought by Atomic Power Construction, Trawsfynnydd #52 renumbered #13 7/65 withdrawn B17 HGC 242 10/45 CS new: Bristol K6A W3.008, MoSB258, AEC 7.7 litre engine 11/45 to Duple: fitted with relaxed austerity body 41715, H30/26R 11/45 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.1086, 2B2 12/45 ON into store (Alperton) 1/46 HW into service on 92, 97 (Hanwell) 47-48 HW 3/49 CS to Chiswick overhaul 5/49 HW from o/h 7/50 HW (Southall) 51-52 HW 4/53 HW withdrawn.. 4/53 EW ..into store (Edgware) 5/53 CS to Chiswick Works 5/53 bought by Crosville, Chester, #MB170 2/54 refitted with s/h low-height post-war ECW body L27/28R 5/58 renumbered DKA170 8/59 in service, Crosville $ 10/61 sold to F.Cowley (Salford) by 3/63 bought by Wakefield Shirt Co, Wakefield 4/63 advertising Double Two Shirts, Wakefield $ 7/69 sold for scrap: Whiting (Pontefract) B18 HGC 243 10/45 CS new: Bristol K6A W3.009, MoSB259, AEC 7.7 litre engine 11/45 to Duple: fitted with relaxed austerity body 41716, H30/26R 12/45 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.1087, 2B2 12/45 ON into store (Alperton) 1/46 HW into service on 92, 97 (Hanwell) 47-48 HW HW used on 83 to Hayes Stn 3/49 CS to Chiswick overhaul 5/49 HW from o/h 7/50 HW (Southall) 51-52 HW 4/53 HW withdrawn.. 4/53 ON ..into store 5/53 CS to Chiswick Works 5/53 bought by Brighton, Hove & District, #5997 used with Duple body 11/54 body scrapped 3/55 rebodied by ECW: H32/28R 1/57 in service 6/58 renumbered #997 5/60 in service, Brighton $ 8/65 withdrawn 8/65 to W.North (Sherburn-in-Elmet) $ 9/65 bought by Service Coaches, Bebside #D1 7/66 Service Coaches, Bebside $ B19 HGC 244 10/45 CS new: Bristol K6A W3.010, MoSB244, AEC 7.7 litre engine 11/45 to Duple: fitted with relaxed austerity body 41709, H30/26R 12/45 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.1088, 2B2 12/45 ON into store (Alperton) 1/46 HW into service on 92, 97 (Hanwell) 47-48 HW 4/49 CS to Chiswick overhaul 7/49 HW from o/h 7/50 HW (Southall) 51-52 HW 4/53 HW withdrawn.. 4/53 EW ..into store (Edgware) 5/53 CS to Chiswick Works 5/53 bought by Brighton, Hove & District, #5998 used with Duple body 11/54 body scrapped 3/55 rebodied by ECW: H32/28R 4/60 renumbered #998 in service, Brighton #5998 $ 10/65 withdrawn.. 10/65 bought by Martindale, Ferryhill 5/66 sold to W.North (Sherburn-in-Elmet) 5/66 sold to Parker (Bradford) 7/66 sold for scrap: Jackson (Bradford) B20 HGC 245 10/45 CS new: Bristol K6A W3.011, MoSB247, AEC 7.7 litre engine 11/45 to Duple: fitted with relaxed austerity body 41709, H30/26R 12/45 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.1089, 2B2 1/46 HW into service on 92, 97 (Hanwell) 47-48 HW 5/49 CS to Chiswick overhaul 8/49 HW from o/h 7/50 HW (Southall) 1951 HW 12/52 HW withdrawn.. 12/52 FL ..into store (Ferry Lane) 1/53 CS to Chiswick Works 1/53 bought by Lincolnshire Road Car, #980 11/53 renumbered #2109 6/54 in service, Skegness $ 4/57 in service, Newark $ 5/59 withdrawn 5/59 sold for scrap: S Twell, Ingham B21 HGC 246 10/45 CS new: Bristol K6A W3.012, MoSB246, AEC 7.7 litre engine 11/45 to Duple: fitted with relaxed austerity body 41709, H30/26R 12/45 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.1090, 2B2 1/46 HW into service on 92, 97 (Hanwell) 47-48 HW 4/49 CS to Chiswick overhaul 6/49 HW from o/h HW used on 97 to Ruislip $ 7/50 HW (Southall) 1951 HW 3/52 HW in service on 83 to Hayes Stn $ 3/53 HW withdrawn.. 3/53 AC store (Willesden) 4/53 CS to Chiswick Works 4/53 bought by Lincolnshire Road Car, #994 11/53 renumbered #2110 4/58 in service, Newark $ 5/60 withdrawn 5/60 sold to Ashton (Lincoln) B22 HGC 247 11/45 CS new: Bristol K6A W3.013, MoSB263, AEC 7.7 litre engine 11/45 to Duple: fitted with relaxed austerity body 41724, H30/26R 12/45 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.1091, 2B2 1/46 HW into service on 92, 97 (Hanwell) 47-48 HW 5/49 CS to Chiswick overhaul 7/49 HW from o/h 7/50 HW (Southall) 51-52 HW 1/53 HW withdrawn.. 1/53 CS Chiswick Works 2/53 bought by Brighton, Hove & District, #5996 10/54 body scrapped 3/55 rebodied by ECW: H32/28R 5/59 renumbered: #996 in service, BH&D $ 1965 withdrawn 8/65 sold to W.North (Sherburn-in-Elmet) 7/66 sold for scrap B23 HGC 248 11/45 CS new: Bristol K6A W3.014, MoSB250, AEC 7.7 litre engine 11/45 to Duple: fitted with relaxed austerity body 41711, H30/26R 12/45 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.1092, 2B2 1/46 HW into service on 92, 97 (Hanwell) 47-48 HW 4/49 CS to Chiswick overhaul 7/49 HW from o/h 7/50 HW (Southall) HW in service on 97 to Brentford $ 1951 HW 11/52 HW withdrawn.. 11/52 FW ..into store (Fulwell) 12/52 CS to Chiswick Works 1/53 bought by Crosville, #MB194 11/54 refitted with s/h post-war low-height ECW body: L27/28R 5/58 renumbered #DKA195 10/59 bought by Atomic Power Construction, Trawsfynnydd #24 10/65 sold for scrap to King (Trawsfynnydd) B24 HGC 249 11/45 CS new: Bristol K6A W3.016, MoSB266, AEC 7.7 litre engine 11/45 to Duple: fitted with relaxed austerity body 41711, H30/26R 12/45 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.1093, 2B2 1/46 HW into service on 92, 97 (Hanwell) 47-48 HW 3/49 CS to Chiswick overhaul 6/49 HW from o/h 7/50 HW (Southall) HW in service on 97 to Ruislip $ HW in service on 92 to Hanwell $ 1951 HW 11/52 HW withdrawn.. 11/52 CE ..into store (Colindale) 1/53 CS to Chiswick Works 1/53 bought by Crosville, #MB195 2/56 refitted with s/h post-war low-height ECW body: L27/28R 5/58 renumbered #DKA198 10/59 bought by Atomic Power Construction, Trawsfynnydd #49 10/65 sold for scrap to King (Trawsfynnydd) B25 HGC 250 11/45 CS new: Bristol K6A W3.017, MoSB267, AEC 7.7 litre engine 11/45 to Duple: fitted with relaxed austerity body 41719, H30/26R 12/45 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.1094, 2B2 1/46 HW into service on 92, 97 (Hanwell) 47-48 HW 5/49 CS to Chiswick overhaul 8/49 HW from o/h 7/50 HW (Southall) 51-52 HW 1/53 HW withdrawn.. 1/53 EW ..into store (Edgware) 1/53 CS to Chiswick Works 1/53 bought by Lincolnshire Road Car, #981 11/53 renumbered #2111 10/60 withdrawn 10/60 bought by Lacey, Wyberton by 7/64 fish&chip shop, Ingoldmells B26 HGC 251 11/45 CS new: Bristol K6A W3.020, MoSB270, AEC 7.7 litre engine 11/45 to Duple: fitted with relaxed austerity body 41720, H30/26R 12/45 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.1094, 2B2 1/46 HW into service on 92, 97 (Hanwell) 47-48 HW 3/49 CS to Chiswick overhaul 6/49 HW from o/h 7/50 HW (Southall) 6/51 HW used on 83 to Hayes Stn 1952 HW 1/53 HW withdrawn.. 1/53 EW ..into store (Edgware) 1/53 CS to Chiswick Works 1/53 bought by Lincolnshire Road Car, #982 8/53 in service, Lincolnshire, Skegness 11/53 renumbered #2112 by 1/61 sold to PVD, Dunchurch 3/61 in yard at PVD $ 4/61 in yard at PVD $ B27 HGC 252 11/45 CS new: Bristol K6A W3.021, MoSB271, AEC 7.7 litre engine 11/45 to Duple: fitted with relaxed austerity body 417211, H30/26R 12/45 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.1095, 2B2 1/46 HW into service on 92, 97 (Hanwell) 47-48 HW 6/49 CS to Chiswick overhaul 9/49 HW from o/h 7/50 HW (Southall) 51-52 HW 11/52 HW withdrawn.. 11/52 FW ..into store (Fullwell) 12/52 CS to Chiswick Works 1/53 bought by Crosville, Chester, #MB196 4/56 refitted with s/h post-war ECW lowheight body: L27/28R in service, Crosville, Wrexham $ 5/58 renumbered #DKA196 10/59 bought by Atomic Power Construction, Trawsfynnydd #27 10/65 sold for scrap to King (Trawsfynnydd) B28 HGC 253 11/45 CS new: Bristol K6A W3.024, MoSB274, AEC 7.7 litre engine 11/45 to Duple: fitted with relaxed austerity body 41722, H30/26R 12/45 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.1096, 2B2 1/46 HW into service on 92, 97 (Hanwell) 1947 HW 12/48 CS to Chiswick overhaul 2/49 HW from o/h 7/50 HW (Southall) 51-52 HW 2/53 HW withdrawn.. 2/53 CS Chiswick Works 3/53 bought by Brighton, Hove & District, but not operated 7/53 to W.North (Stourton) 8/53 to United for Hartlepool Borough Council overhauled by United at Darlington operated by Bee-Line for Hartlepool 6/56 bought by Bee-Line, West Hartlepool by 10/57 bought by Rodgers Station Taxis (Redcar) for contract work 10/58 in service, Rodgers $ */61 sold for scrap B29 HGC 254 11/45 CS new: Bristol K6A W3.025, MoSB275, AEC 7.7 litre engine 11/45 to Duple: fitted with relaxed austerity body 41723, H30/26R 12/45 CS inspected by Chiswick: body no.1096, 2B2 1/46 HW into service on 92, 97 (Hanwell) */46 HW used on 92 1947 HW 5/49 CS to Chiswick overhaul 5/49 HW from works 6/49 CS to Chiswick overhaul 8/49 HW from o/h 7/50 HW (Southall) 51-52 HW 5/53 HW withdrawn.. 5/53 CS Chiswick Works 5/53 bought by Brighton, Hove & District, #5999 1954 in service, Duple body 12/54 body scrapped 3/55 rebodied by ECW: H32/28R in service, BH&D $ 5/59 renumbered #999 in service, BH&D $ */65 withdrawn 8/65 sold to W.North (Sherburn-in-Elmet) 11/65 at North's $ 12/65 bought by Martindale, Ferryhill 5/66 sold to W.North (Sherburn-in-Elmet).. 5/66 ..sold on to Parker (Bradford) 7/66 sold for scrap: Jackson (Bradford)

Bus Stop B text. bus histories photo refs loaned Bristols.